- This was the old way Wheel of Fortune worked — you could be on for up to three days in a row if you kept winning, then you had to retire as “Champion”. Video – Wheel of Fortune Day 2 Dec 28 1979.mp4 Day 3 – December 31, 1979. New Year’s Eve — Even though we taped this early in December, we knew the broadcast dates.
- Wheel Of Fortune Pat Sajak. Pat has been a host of the Wheel of Fortune since its inception in 1989 together with Dana White. Wheel of Fortune is an American television game show created by Merv Griffin that debuted in 1975 which features a competition in which contestants solve word puzzles, similar to those used in Hangman, to win cash and prizes determined by spinning a giant carnival wheel.
- Nov 14, 2019 'Wheel of Fortune' Hostess. Later in 1982, however, White got the job that would make her career. She was chosen out of 200 applicants to join new host and former weatherman, Pat Sajak, on the NBC.
- Wheel Of Fortune 1970 Shop Prizes
- Wheel Decide
- Wheel Of Fortune 1979
- Wheel Of Fortune 1979 Showcase
- Wheel Of Fortune Dave
An incomplete timeline for the daytime Wheel of Fortune, which will likely never be complete for reasons listed below. As daytime did not use seasons, and since the show debuted in January, this timeline is divided by year. For the nighttime version, see Wheel of Fortune timeline (syndicated). Due to practices of the era and Merv Griffin Productions, most episodes from 1975-85 were destroyed. David Downs Here is a December 1979 episode of Wheel of Fortune. Ginger hopes to add to the $3000 she won on her first day today.
Wheel Of Fortune 1970 Shop Prizes

Here’s a link to the story of how I got on the show:

Wheel Decide
Audio recording only! (for Day 1) This was before everybody had video recording devices so in order to get the record of my games as broadcast, I just used a cassette recorder placed in front of the TV. This was at the barracks at Camp Pendleton, and there were a few other guys there with the time off to watch it as well so we can be heard talking during the show. Note: The audio quality is not that great. And there is some colorful language. We are Marines, after all…

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Audio – Wheel of Fortune Day 1 December 27, 1979 download link
Fortunately my uncle Delbert worked at a school which had an industrial-size one inch videotape recorder, and captured the last two shows I was on. This was the old way Wheel of Fortune worked — you could be on for up to three days in a row if you kept winning, then you had to retire as “Champion”.
Wheel Of Fortune 1979
Video – Wheel of Fortune Day 2 Dec 28 1979.mp4
Wheel Of Fortune 1979 Showcase
New Year’s Eve — Even though we taped this early in December, we knew the broadcast dates. This info helped a little bit in my figuring out what the puzzles were.
Wheel Of Fortune Dave
Video – Wheel of Fortune Day 3 Dec 31 1979.mp4
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